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Checkmate Atlanta

Location: Atlanta

State: Georgia

Rating: unrated


ATLANTA GA. CHECKMATE ATLANTA (USCF ID A7550220). Affiliate Type: Club. Monday Evenings from 7:30PM-11:30PM, Rear, 1075 Peachtree St NE, Suite 5, Atlanta. Contact Phone: 4044827928. Club Phone: (678) 999-7597. Address: B216, 1074 PEACHTREE WALK NE, B216, ATLANTA, GA, 30309. email:, Club Membership Not Required, Casual Play, Unrated Events, Blitz Events, Matches, Sets Available, Clocks Available, Chess Items for Sale, Beginners Welcome, Refreshments, Handicap Accessible, 21 and up. Checkmate Mondays is the best Chess Night in the city of Atlanta. All skill levels welcome, full bar, and refreshments.

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